![]() NEW BLOG: ARE YOU LIVING YOUR LIFE’S POTENTIAL? I get told almost every week, “Oh you’re so lucky, you have an awesome life” but do you think that just accidentally happened to me? And do you not think that I have got to where I have today without a river of tears and more battle scars than an army? The difference between me and 90% of the population is that when I have been put down, emotionally trashed and faced failure and rejection, I had a little scream and a tantrum and then looked it in the face with steely determination to rise above it. Never compare your life to someone else’s especially what you see on social media. You have no idea the journey they have undertaken, the grief they have endured and the sacrifices they have made. Successful people make it look easy and envious but, like an iceberg, you only see the tip of their surface whereas below, in the vast depths of the ocean, lies its darkest secrets, wounds and strength. Successful people take risks and live life outside their comfort zone. They’re not afraid to face criticism, lose friends and walk alone for a life they strive. And there are limitless possibilities in life if you’re willing to embrace change. Who would have thought at my age that I would be asked to model for brands? I continually strive for a life of excitement and exploration. People stay stagnant, in jobs that don’t stimulate them, or relationships that don’t excite them in an environment that doesn’t challenge them and that’s fine if they’re content. For me, however, I have changed my life multiple times in my pursuit of happiness and my life’s purpose and as I get older I believe there’s so much more for me to undertake. And I hope to inspire my children to do the same and I think it’s rubbing off on them. Recently my daughter passed her A-levels and, like with all of them, I encouraged her to take a gap year to travel and have fun. She has half a century of work ahead of her. When she asked her brother for his advice he agreed with me and said, “Life isn’t a race.” Transformation is essential for success. People who transform generally have a positive mental health and wellbeing attitude and rarely complain. Optimism is my middle name. My ex husband used to tell me I lived in a dream world, which he threw at me as an insult but I took as a compliment. Because a dream becomes a purpose with a goal. Working in the media, I am hugely committed to my image and the gym has been a gamechanger for me. Not only am I physically fitter than I was 20 years ago, but I am physically and mentally stronger than I have ever been. Not that I am in competition with anyone but myself. I look at pictures of me from 10, 5 and 2 years ago seeking ways to improve myself and that’s not vanity (ok well maybe a little bit) but personal growth. Absolutely anyone can achieve anything I have done with weightloss, you just need to show up to the gym everyday. And those who say they don’t have time is a bullshit excuse. There’s 24 hours in a day, you can workout instead of watching TV or scrolling netflix. Go for a walk at lunchtime instead of sitting at a desk grazing on processed food. Too tired? Ironically undertaking a workout will give you an energy boost, just get off your arse. My auntie got a personal trainer at 70 and dropped two stone, it’s never too late. Successful people don’t make excuses or blame others or their circumstances because ultimately the power to change lies within you. In the past week, three people have messaged me about wanting to change their life and move abroad and asked me for advice because yes, living in the sunshine makes a huge difference. Today I shall be going to the beach after my spin class and spending my morning there soaking up the vitamin sea. Then in the afternoon I shall start my work which, yes, I am fortunate to do from anywhere but it’s a situation I crafted with careful planning. I will generate the same results from 5-6 hours work as I would do with double that time spent doing the same in the UK. I notice this a lot when I go back. The hustle doesn’t end for 12 hours a day with constant meetings and networking events and what’s the point? I return to Cyprus exhausted reflecting on how success in the UK is measured by how many hours a day you graft. That is no life I want to be a part of. Ultimately the biggest measure of success for me is freedom, To choose where and when I work. To not have to be accountable to anyone but myself. This doesn’t make me flippant, quite the contrary, successful people are often up all night (I started writing this at 4am) as their mind swirls with the next big challenge they’re undertaking. And one thing remains at the core of people’s success and that is passion. If you don’t love what you do and care about how you do it, then it will never work.And passion is something I seek in bucketloads. My life’s potential hasn't been met but I am on the path. I have a vision. I have a desire to improve daily and I have a commitment to learning. Potential doesn’t have a retirement age and my greatest regret in life would be to life it without striving to be better, bolder and ok, more beautiful.
January 2025